I'm pretty sure Reaper is my (and my wife's) favorite new show so far. I just found it to be a lot of fun, and Ray Wise is perfect as the Devil.

Life was pretty good, but was it just me, or was it sometimes difficult to hear what the main character was saying? Not everyone, just him...

To wrap up the ones I've seen:

Bionic Woman - probably the weakest of the premieres. I liked the lead actress in Jekyll (go watch that if you haven't), but she seems a little off here, and it's clear she's having problems with the American accent. There are several points where she puts simply bizarre inflection on what she's saying.

Journeyman - I kinda liked it. I'm hoping it'll improve a little though. I'm a sucker for shows like this.

Chuck - pleasantly surprised. Funny, and has Adam Baldwin.

Reaper - definitely my favorite so far.

Life - probably won't watch past a few episodes. It's interesting how we don't know everything about the case he was framed for. Do we even know WHO died? I'm assuming it's his child, but I'm not sure...

Now I just can't wait for Pushing Daisies.

Oh, and I couldn't believe a series of lines from Bionic Woman. Did I hear this right?

Random nurse: "We've got to get you to rehab"
Jaime Summers: "What for?"
Random nurse: "Rehabilitation"

That's some great writing right there. On par with this.