Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released!

Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 14:01

Hi everyone,

For the people interested, I just wanted to mention that I released the new update 3.05 of Mp3/Tag Studio a few minutes ago.

To download it, please visit the Mp3/Tag Studio website at:

Fixes in version 3.05

* Added support for track numbers in the
processing filter.

* Added a feature to save the raw contents of
unsupported ID3v2 binary frames to file.

* Added a new prefix "Sync v1/v2 tags" in the
"Direct tag manipulation" tool.

* Added an option for displaying, or not
displaying, the average bitrate in the
bitrate field of VBR files. One might not
want to display this e.g. when the bitrate
field is used to generate directory names
(since most VBR files will have at least
slightly different average bitrates).

* Added options "Check all files" and
"Uncheck all files" to the context menu of
the custom file selection list.

* Added a hotkey to the explorer dir-tree,
pressing the enter key now causes the
selected directory to become the working

* Fixed a bug that under certain conditions
caused the filter detection of synced/unsynced
tags not to work.

* Fixed a bug that prevented more than one
[NEWLINE] marker from being used in the same
template separator sequence.

* Fixed a bug that under certain conditions
prevented automatic creation of directories in
the root-directory of any drive during file
rename/move operations.

* Fixed a bug that could cause an error when
reordering the fields of the preview window
in retag mode.

* Fixed a bug that caused the "Advanced ID3v2
info" window not to show when starting the
program from the shell extension menu.

* Fixed a bug that under certain conditions
could cause an error when deleting ID3v2-tags
in the browse tool.

* Fixed a bug that caused the file selection in
the browse tool file list box to change when
certain file operation hot-keys were pressed.

* Fixed a bug that prevented manual deletion of
additional frames from the "Advanced ID3v2 info"
box of the browse tool if the file contained an
ID3v2.2 tag with more than one non-convertable
binary frame.

* Fixed a bug that gave incorrect warnings about
certain filter settings.

* Fixed a GUI bug in the filter settings.

* Made the ID3v2 parse code more robust, to
gracefully handle ID3v2 tags with corrupt
extended header size fields.

* Corrected some misleading error messages.

* Added a warning/confirmation message when
manually setting the flags in every mp3 frame
of a file from the browse tool.


/Author, Magnus Bråding
Posted by: loren

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 14:29

awesome. Thanks for the heads up.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 14:44

I'm sure this is a frequently asked question, but... Those who have the registered version... what do we download from the main website to upgrade our registered copies? There's more than one possible thing to download.
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 15:14

You can download whichever package you like.
As long as you have your license details, they will all become equal full versions.
All for your convenience dear customer.

The following thread on my support board might also be helpful regarding this issue:;f=1;t=6;st=0;r=1
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 15:26


Magnus, You Da Man.
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 15:51

Gotta get home and check it out!
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 05/02/2003 16:07

Well, thank you too (and all other customers and users), you're all Da Men (and Da Women).
Posted by: ajayrockrock

Linux anyone?? - 05/02/2003 20:50

Has anyone ever tried running this in linux under wine? I switched a few months ago and I hate having to reboot everytime just to retag some files. The linux utilities like Easytag are decent, but they lack the power of MP3/Tag Studio.

Posted by: KoS

Re: Linux anyone?? - 06/02/2003 02:23

have you tried easytag? .. looks interesting for linux.... haven't got time to test it too much yet....
Posted by: johnmcd3

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 04:18

This program just keeps getting better. Thanks for all of your hard work.

Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 04:39

You're welcome.
Posted by: TedP

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 10:08


I've been a long time user of your program, and I love it! Thanks for the updates.

Have you ever considered adding CDDB features? My artist/title/album fields are well done, but I would love to globally add fields to my collection that are not accurate like the year, genre, etc. I havent been able to find any software that has that capability.

Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 10:09

Since when has CDDB had accurate years and genres?
Posted by: TedP

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 10:23

hmmm.. maybe that's why my stuff is off is there a way to interface to they're excellent!
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 11:02

Don't know about Mp3/Tag Studio, but Tag&Rename can pick up data from AllMusic.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 11:10

Hey, Magnus... what about an ID3V2 lyrics editor? Heck even a freeform edit box to just fill in the appropriate ID3V2 field would be cool. You see, some folks here are developing a lyric-scroller program for our beloved player...
Posted by: loren

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 14:03

yeah yeah yeah! What he said.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 14:06

Not sure how useful the lyrics editor would be unless it tied into the MP3 player of your choice. Otherwise, you gots to add the time tags yourself...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 14:21

Oh, I thought someone was (at great personal risk) going to put up a site to have pre-made sets of time-tagged lyrics. Then we could just open up a tag editor and paste the whole thing in place at once.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 15:02

I already have written and plan to release a command-line utility for adding those text-formatted time-tagged lyrics to your MP3's in the correct ID3v2 format, using id3lib.

But I see where you're going... If Magnus is also using id3lib, then maybe he'd have interest in my code so he can add that feature to save the extra step... Magnus?
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:17

I find that most CDDB databases are filled with errors, and hence I don't like them too much. I have taken a look at it before though, but decided that for the time being it was not worth the implementation effort (there are soooo many other things on my todo-list too ). It is on my list of possible things to implement in future versions though, so you don't have to lose all hope just yet.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:26

I find that most CDDB databases are filled with errors,

Agreed. I'd much rather have an application that parsed the database, which is much more accurate (if not more complete).

And yeah, I've tried Tag&Rename which has this feature. It's a bit clunky, though, and didn't quite do exactly what I wanted. I'd rather see something more streamlined.
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:32

There are two types of lyrics frames in ID3v2 tags, synchronised lyrics and unsynchronised lyrics. It seems like you are talking about the synchronised type (unsynchronised lyrics don't have any time references, only pure text).

Anyway, I've been thinking about adding support for more "non-standard-text frames" anyway, so I'll see what I can do. Stay tuned.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:34

(and yep, we're talking about the synchronized type).
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:38

Thanks for the offer yn0t_, but I don't use id3lib, I have written all code in the entire program from the bottom myself. But it's not a comparatively big feature, so it will probably not take too many minutes anyway (the GUI part for it will definitely take the most time).
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:46

But can't you just search for one field at the time at the website? Or am I missing something? (I only took a short look at it, so I might very well have missed something, in which case you are very welcome to give me an URL to a more advanced search form of theirs).
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 16:51

Also, when looking at the terms of use, it seems that they wouldn't allow a program to use them anyway. :-(

Maybe what Tag&Rename is doing is illegal?
(if they don't have any special deal with them of course)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 17:19

Tag&Rename is putting up the web pages (ads and all) and screen-scraping those web pages while leaving them up on your desktop. So it's probably in a gray area...

Heck, I haven't tried T&R since Allmusic re-did everything into Javascript. Maybe they did that to thwart T&R. Who knows.
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 17:35

Yep, I've thought about that too (the reason for why T&R does the allmusic-lookups in such a clumsy way).

I'd rather not do it like that though, since it's so ugly and non-slick. If anyone has any other suggestions about good databases except CDDB/allmusic, please share and I'll take a look.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 18:41


You're correct, they are limited to one search type at a time. If you are thinking about integration and are conversant in Perl, check out the WWW::AllMusicGude Perl module. You could borrow from some of the logic there which does the dirty work of initiating the search, parsing results, etc. The AllMusic folks don't exactly make it easy to parse things out.

As for searching on multiple fields, a program could theoretically initiate both an artist and a title search and then find the union of those two... But that's a hassle.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 06/02/2003 23:06

I registered Tag&Rename and don't use it anymore... A week after I started using it I found ID3TagIt which had much better support for multi-tag editing. The first tagger I tried was Tag Studio. But it chopped off the "/##" track# text portions from my 6000 tracks. Ugh. I haven't seen any toold to put that data back yet (automatically by checking how many files are in each folder or just letting me enter a # per group of files).

I just found Dr.Tag this past week and so far this seems like it's the best fit for what I consider a clean and VERY useful MP3 tagging interface. I have yet to use it for a large number of edits though. I like its presentation for multi-tagging though (similar to what I previously said was good about iTunes). Just wary about registering it to soon. I'm also evaluating the new version of Tag&Rename (I have a licence so why not)

Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 07/02/2003 05:05

Thanks yn0t_, but there's still the legal issue. Also, integrating this Perl code into a compiled program is not very easy, so I'd probably have to rewrite it anyway. Thanks for the tip though, I appreciate it.
Posted by: Magnus_Brading

Re: Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05 released! - 07/02/2003 05:07

Mp3/Tag Studio supports extended track numbers in the current version. Only early versions did not support this.

Also, there's an undo-feature in Mp3/Tag Studio that can fully restore your files to the original state whenever the result is not fully satisfactory (although it's probably too late for that in your particular case now ). There is also a preview function, so that you can verify that the results of any operation are what you like, even before touching any single file.