Upgrading an EMPEG?

Posted by: Squid2k1

Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 07:38

All this talk about ordering new items leads me to the question, will SB/EMPEG still do upgrades? I have an 18GB system and would not mind upgrading it to a 60GB or maybe just a 36GB system.

Is the procedure for this online somewhere? I know I could do it myself but not sure I want to risk it.

Posted by: robricc

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 07:47


EDIT: To clarify, I've done it myself without any problems. If you follow the instructions above you should have no problem whatso ever. They are very detailed and precise.
Posted by: Squid2k1

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 09:22

Yes, I know about the DIY upgrade instructions and they are very thorough. I was looking for the official SB/EMPEG upgrade path.

I will read the DIY version some more and see how I feel about it. I am not in a big hurry or anything...I guess my biggest concern from reading the DIY is selecting a second drive that will work with my first one. I would hate to buy one and have it not work.

I will search for a reference to this next request but while I am here I may as well ask:

What brands and models have you and others put into your EMPEG as a second drive?

Posted by: rtundo

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 09:27

I would highly recommend IBM drives. The price of 10, 20 & 30 gb models keep dropping and if your not in a hurry the price should drop a little more soon when the 60+ gb model comes out. I upgraded to two 48 gb IBM drives and have had not problems.
Posted by: Micman2b

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 09:54

I have found this webretailer has great deals on drives, I have had good luck with them in the past.


IBM 10.0GB ATA/66 9.5MM 4200RPM $75.00
IBM 20.0GB ATA/ 00 9.5MM 4200RPM $99.00


Note: I have no connecton to this webretailer
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 10:22

This is a good question, hang on, I'll ask Rob.

Okay, here's what he said:

I guess we may handle that as a chargeable support issue (which is how it happens currently). Although we never sell any - your FAQ is too good!
Posted by: Squid2k1

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 10:50

In reply to:

Although we never sell any

That surprises me...So everyone has either done the DIY upgrade or they are happy with their current setup (or have more than 1 EMPEG).

I may have to be with the former (DIY upgrade) just to not be the one and only Official Upgrade person!!!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 10:54

I think by "never", he meant "hardly ever". I could swear that some people on this BBS have sent theirs in for upgrades before.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 11:02

Nice Gilbert and Sullivan reference, BTW. We don't see enough of those anymore....
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 11:05

Heh, that was just a coincidence. I don't know Gilbert and Sullivan. (Haven't had a chance to meet all the new crew members since I've been back.)
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 11:06

i got a empeg upgrade due to being a coward but the next one i will attempt DIY
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 11:27

What, never?
Posted by: grgcombs

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 13:14

Aren't Gilbert and Sullivan those two fairies with the white tiger on the simpsons? ;-)


Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Upgrading an EMPEG? - 28/12/2001 13:27

No, I believe they are Gunther and Ernst (based, obviously, on Siegfried and Roy).

Oddly, though, I was just thinking about the fact that in the way that I learned about The Barber of Seville, et al., from Warner Bros. cartoons, there might be some kids out there that learned about H.M.S. Pinafore from The Simpsons.
