I can't believe they're STILL taking orders!!

Posted by: MisterBeefhead

I can't believe they're STILL taking orders!! - 04/01/2002 17:31

Somebody here is very confused, be it us or them. My friend placed an order for a 20gig this afternoon and recieved a call to her home less than an hour after to confirm her delivery address. I can't understand why if the stock is so limited they're still taking orders AND spending the time and money to confirm them by phone.

They MUST know SOMETHING...It's not like the whole thing is automated...
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: I can't believe they're STILL taking orders!! - 04/01/2002 19:32

Is the question really whether they "know" something? Let's assume they are completely incompetant, then what sort of stupidity can you accomplish? Perhaps they will continue to take orders and then furfill the most recent orders and screw all the orders that have been waiting in the queue the longest. Maybe they will accept orders and furfill them at random and dump the rest. Whatever the reason, I am sure there will be pissed off customers.

Posted by: kryworuka

Re: I can't believe they're STILL taking orders!! - 05/01/2002 06:55

My question is if they weren't blowing out empegs for a nickle on the store site would any sane human being buy stuff from a site like that?

I know my paranoia alarm went off when I saw how second rate the site was. Fortunately I found this forum first to help encourage me that this in fact was a real online store and not some kind of script kiddie scam. Professional quality really does make a big difference to consumers methinks.
