Office Humor

Posted by: russmeister

Office Humor - 14/08/2002 14:59

Dont we all feel like this somedays...
Posted by: jets

Re: Office Humor - 14/08/2002 18:15

hhholy smokes! i haven't seen that clip for years! LOL
Posted by: eternalsun

Those british are dangerous, especially the women - 16/08/2002 09:36


Posted by: Heather

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the wo - 16/08/2002 09:48

This is the why I just quit my job.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the wo - 16/08/2002 10:59

I just quit my job.


What happened? Is everything OK? Do you have another job lined up?
Posted by: F0X

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the wo - 16/08/2002 13:37

Hey, cool. I just quit my job yesterday!
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the women - 17/08/2002 03:12

Shades of Alice's "Fist of Death" - it's true!!!
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the women - 17/08/2002 06:18

You know, I thought that was sort of a silly plot and didn't really find the humor. . . I guess he knew what he was doing after all.
Posted by: Heather

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the wo - 18/08/2002 23:41

What happened? Is everything OK? Do you have another job lined up?

Everything is fine. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

The short version: I just got tired of dealing with complete and total bullshit, like being left without a consistently working internet connection (really important, considering without it, I can't do 75% of my job), people too wrapped up in their titles, being expected to kiss someones ass to get them to do what they're paid to do (namely call in the dumb [censored] who was supposed to fix the non working net connection, but along with fixing the initial problem, he creates three more, and handling all the other crap like DMV paperwork that I'm not supposed to have to do myself), and other assorted crap in that vein. Combined with complaints about my job not being done, even though there was AT LEAST one conversation a day about this not being taken care of.

In spite of developing what were obviously stress related illnesses, sticking it out through the rest of construction didn't look too miserable. I finally lost it and put in my two weeks notice after the GM (owners nephew. nice guy, but has absolutely no clue what he's doing) decided to believe a customer over me before asking me what happened. I would have walked out that day, but I'd be [censored] over the wrong people. Number 2 is on his way out within the next 2 weeks, and number 1 will soon follow suit. Should make for some funny stories since they're going to wind up replacing the entire sales managment in a month. My replacement is a friend of the family from West Virginia (nice girl but she's going to get chewed up and spit out pretty quick on that alone, she's not built for New York) with no sales experience who can't work a computer, never mind keep the inventory online updated (especially since I kinda made it revert to just a model and VIN, whoops). Yes, lets make her management. However, I was well compensated for training her.

I'm not worried about finding a job right now, I'm quite lucky to be the spoiled little brat that I am. Getting another job in the car business requires about as much effort as farting does, and I've had at least 4 standing offers from other VW dealers in the area alone, not to mention a few other places. I plan on doing more important things, like going to the beach, spending quality time with my cats, actually putting my boat back into water after 2 years, finally finishing the empeg install, etc.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Those british are dangerous, especially the wo - 19/08/2002 09:49

Sounds great! Enjoy yourself while you can!

You've got a great attitude.