Possibly the worst ads ever

Posted by: frog51

Possibly the worst ads ever - 10/12/2002 09:37

Sony Ericsson, what were you thinking!
It's just not attractive.

Quite funny though!

--edited to remove bizarre spelling mistake. what does sworst mean anyway
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Possibly the worst ads ever - 10/12/2002 12:25

Oh wow that is terrible. But you're right, quite funny.

By the way, since we've been talking video games and GC in particular, has anyone seen the GC ad they're playing at some movie theaters? The one with the...body stuff? It has to be one of the most grating advertisements I've ever seen. My first reaction to it was, "Nintendo, you're not helping me make my point to everyone"
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Possibly the worst ads ever - 10/12/2002 18:30

That WAS the most repulsive thing I've seen since... I don't know what. There is nothing more disgusting to me than drool. I mean, it's like a Saint Bernard slobbering on your leg. Makes you want to cut off your leg because you just CAN'T get to a sink to clean it fast enough.

And no, I haven't seen the GC commercial. What's in it that's so bad?
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: Possibly the worst ads ever - 10/12/2002 23:01

OMG those GC ads at the movies are so bad. I remember thinking to myself after I saw one that I really never want to buy a GC now.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Possibly the worst ads ever - 11/12/2002 00:16

It's just a horrid mess of grating sounds and images that make the seizures of Pokemon look like mild twitches.