My New Album

Posted by: tfabris

My New Album - 22/10/2003 13:26

Well, OK, it's not my album. But I play guitar on over half the songs.

<shameless plug>

Blake Hodgetts: Blindsight.

Blake is a marvelous musician and songwriter who writes very clever and entertaining songs. The songs are mostly humorous, and all are geek-oriented. Almost all of them are focused on the singer/songwriter piano/voice style, but there are a couple of pop-rockers on the album as well. One of them is a very well-produced parody of a Barenaked Ladies song.

If you follow the link above, you can see lyrics to the songs. If you like the lyrics, then definitely grab a copy. I think it's a marvelous and very entertaining album.

</shameless plug>
Posted by: mschrag

Re: My New Album - 22/10/2003 13:38

audio clips?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: My New Album - 22/10/2003 13:43

Good point. I'm asking Blake about that very thing now.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: My New Album - 22/10/2003 13:48

Okay, he's authorized me to create snippet clips and host them on The web server is down at the moment, but it'll be back up soon, probably before I get the clips assembled.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: My New Album - 22/10/2003 19:35

Okay, some snippets are up. I won't link all of them here, I'll wait until Blake has had a chance to preview them and link them from his own web page. But I'll give you a couple:

Proteins (Acoustic guitar is me)

The Great Nebraska Sea (Acoustic guitar is me, I'm singing two harmony parts on the chorus)

Lost Things (All guitars are me, acoustic and electric)

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: My New Album - 23/10/2003 04:37


You might like to put a PayPal "Buy It Now" link on that page attached to a cart, similar to what Loren did for the benefit album. It would make it easier for folks...
Posted by: DLF

Re: My New Album - 23/10/2003 10:20

Isn't a parody of a Barnaked Ladies song a bit redundant? And at the risk of sounding stupid, which track is that?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: My New Album - 23/10/2003 11:09

You might like to put a PayPal "Buy It Now" link on that page attached to a cart, similar to what Loren did for the benefit album. It would make it easier for folks...
Good idea. Blake's working on that, now. He's trying to figure out how to do it properly, since he wants to be able to take credit cards and that's a whole other layer of complexity with PayPal. But he'll get something up. Thanks for the suggestion.

Isn't a parody of a Barnaked Ladies song a bit redundant?
Heh, if you mean that BNL songs are goofy to begin with, you're right. In fact, Filk is full of people making funny parodies of songs that are already funny. And anyway, if it's good enough for Weird Al (Al's "Jerry Springer" is a parody of "One Week"), then it's good enough for Blake.

If you mean that it's redundant because Weird Al already did it, well, One Week is a great target for a parody. I've personally seen lots of different parodies of that particular song.

And at the risk of sounding stupid, which track is that?
Blake opens the album with his parody of "One Week".

At the moment, he's leaning towards *not* putting up a snippet of that one, for various reasons.

By the way... I'm working on changing the file names for the snippets I linked above, so the links will fail for a little while until I can get them edited. (Edit: Links fixed now, carry on...)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: My New Album - 23/10/2003 15:46

Okay, the PayPal buttons are up, and the links to the song samples are up. Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

Hope that stuff is all working OK, because he's off at OVFF this weekend and won't be able to work on anything.