SQL Help

Posted by: tahir

SQL Help - 26/01/2011 12:52

I'm trying to join 2 tables which hold values different;y, ol holds them at a PER STYLE level, sa holds them at a PER STYLE/SIZE/COLOUR level, how do I show the sum of the quantity field in sa?

Sql Query:
ol.Order_Number as SO, ol.Order_Line_Number as Line, ol.Style, ol.Customer,
CONVERT(varchar(10), CONVERT(datetime, ol.Date_Created), 103) as Entered,
CONVERT(varchar(10), CONVERT(datetime, ol.Delivery_Date), 103) as Delivery_Date,
ol.Sales_Price as Price, ol.Total_Ordered as Ordered, ol.Total_Outstanding as Outstanding, ol.Total_Cancelled as Cancelled, ol.PO_Number as PO,
ol.Customer_s_Order_Number as CustPO
from order_lines11 as ol
left outer join stk_aud5 as sa on ol.PO_Number = sa.Order_No and ol.Style = sa.Style
Total_Outstanding > '0'
and ol.Delivery_Date < '20110101'
and ol.New_Order_Type = 'F'
order By ol.Customer, ol.Order_Number 

As with most techy things I'm not the sharpest tool, so would appreciate a simple solution (if poss)
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: SQL Help - 26/01/2011 14:37

What are you wanting a sum of, exactly? You want to get the sum of sa.quantity for each sa.style, ignoring the size and color? Filtered by the WHERE clause in your quoted SELECT statement?