I want to be a real boy...

Posted by: Daria

I want to be a real boy... - 10/01/2003 23:54

I have a soup playlist on the empeg that I want to copy to a "real" playlist. Surely there is a way to do this, but I can't figure it out. It's hard to link a song into multiple playlists when they aren't real playlists but instead it's appearing based on its source.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 11/01/2003 07:32

If you want to copy it and make it stop being a soup (i.e. dynamic updating), then you can Copy and then Deep Paste it into another location. This will create a deep copy of the playlist. I don't know if you can do this with the top level soup (i.e. "By Artists") because I think the soup tag will get copied also....
Posted by: Daria

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 11/01/2003 13:10

So if I do something like select all of the "Artists" inside that should be good? Eh. I'll just try it. That hadn't occurred to me.
Posted by: Daria

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 11/01/2003 13:39

It's a two layer soup. I guess I have to go deeper, because if I go below the first layer, select them all, copy, and deep paste, I get 2 nested empty playlists, which are the first artist selected, and the first subplaylist in it.

Is there a way I can create another soup view, and then delete the soup tags, maybe?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 12/01/2003 12:58

Hmm. I'll check into why it would be empty ... I haven't tried creating a soup and then removing it's soup tag. You can give it a shot and see what happens.
Posted by: Daria

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 12/01/2003 13:34

When I figure out how I will

(Mostly due to empeg not online this moment to try)
Posted by: Daria

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 12/01/2003 13:35

crap. it's going to be a pain, unless i can do a search based on parent, because as a 2 layer soup i have the remove the tags in the second layer also.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 12/01/2003 14:20

i didn't think the second layers had soup tags, but I could be mistaken ...
Posted by: Daria

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 12/01/2003 14:47

Just got it hooked up. Looks like you're right.
Posted by: Daria

Re: I want to be a real boy... - 12/01/2003 15:42

deleting the soup tag works, but has the side effect that it seems to have deleted the soup tag for both of the (identical) soup playlists.

i guess i can just create another, but it does have the annoying "forgot that i fixed playlist order to be based on track number" problem