Jemplode Range Layer

Posted by: TedP

Jemplode Range Layer - 02/12/2004 18:29


I'm trying to figure out if there's a clever way to make playlists for track number ranges without explicitly writing them out.

I have some audio books that have many chapters, and would like to categorize them in playlists of 10 chapters (i.e. 1-10, 11-20, etc).

I was able to do this by using the first letter layer on the tracknumber. This works well if you have less than 100 chapters (you get a "0", "1", ... "9") playlist each containing 10 chapters.

Is there a clever way to extend this so it works when there are more than 99 chapters? I am trying to avoid explicitly typing in the ranges 1-10, 11-20, 21-30....
