Okok, I WAS gonna let this resat, but while syncin', I decided to check my serial connection..
Vcb: 0x4086d000
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 170:@@ S0
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 170:@@ S0
Adding Swap: 16596k swap-space (priority -7)
e2fsck 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
ext2fs_check_if_mount: No such file or directory while determining whether /dev/
hda4 is mounted.
(You ain't seen me roight - 00000007)

The last line has appeard long after the sync started.. (25% done with 1300 files.)
What the heck is that?? You ain't seen me roight? Did the programmers put little easter eggs in the software? Or is it really complaining? :> I dont have a song named that, so..

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper