I wouldn't have a Fujitsu hard drive anywhere near any of my gear if I can help it.

I've had nothing but trouble with nearly every Fujitsu drive ever used in any desktop or laptop I've come across.

In fact the only Fujitsu drive I know that is still running ok is the 6GB one in my business partners old IBM 600E Thinkpad - I expect it to die anytime soon, so I make sure we have good backups of this laptop and don't use it for anything critical.

We had a batch of 3 Compaq desktops all bought at the same time from the main local Compaq distributor all go bad within 6 months of being installed.
All 3 had sudden drive failures, the last in November last year.

As soon as I found they all had Fujitsu drives that simply reinforced what I already new - Fujitsu drives are bad news - replace them if you can before they die.