"Normally I'm all over food threads on the BBS, but I'm still almost completely dumbstruck on this one at the idea of deep-frying a whole turkey."

Believe me, this is definitely a "don't knock it till you've tried it" kind of thing. Like has been said before in this thread, the frying locks in the juices so what you end up with is juicer meat. You don't (or at least I don't) eat the outside "fried" part, so the only real difference between a traditional turkey and a fried one is the amount of flavor and juiciness. Of course, my wife's family being of Cajun roots means they inject Cajun flavoring before frying, but I'm sure this isn't strictly necessary. I just introduced the concept to some coworkers who thought the idea was strange to say the least, but after trying it they are all true believers now.
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