Stop teasing

Anyway, the burning device made itself known. As I had quietly suspected, it was my server's PSU. Over time it had gotten overloaded, I noticed about 3 months ago, but neglected to replace it. (Why fix something that is still working?) Why it would work solidly for days after blowing the cap and then die quietly last night is beyond me. I can't complain though - 2.5 years of 24x7 service on it's original fan, at least the last 3 months of that being overloaded. Wherever it is that well-behaved PSUs go to when they die, this one deserves to get there.

Off to CompUSA...

Oh, ricin, you were correct.

Edited by genixia (19/02/2003 09:58)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.