Huh, I've got as many original tuner modules as Empeg!!!!

...and they are in cars, well a car and a motorhome.

If you want me to come down and demonstrate the problem and let you have a zoom around to test it, just shout, Mrs.Boxer would love a day out. Time hangs heavy since my board voted me a 3 day week and no operational duties! (that's why I'm making so many postings recently) - the old railway modelling's not as engrossing as I first thought.

I hardly ever use the tuner, all this is about is: When we go away for the first trip out of the season in the motorhome, if Mrs. Boxer can't get Terry Wogan mornings and Jonathan Ross Saturdays - full strength - she'll go ballistic - so the cut off point for rectifying the problem is May 1!

Right, off for a bit of tuner testing.

Politics and Ideology: Not my bag