Mark, I've narrowed down the problem with Charcoalgray99's web interface with Mozilla. One thing that is a problem is the way Hijack sends the mime type for .xsl files - it should be text/xml just like you have noted on line 833 in kftpd.c. Mozilla will not recognize the xsl transformation unless the mime type sent by the server is text/xml. If you could change this line in Hijack, we'll be one step closer.

Secondly, there is a problem with either the linked .css file or the linked .js file in Charcoalgray99's xsl file that makes Mozilla hang when viewing the playlists. Here are the steps I took to get the playlist view working (somewhat) with Mozilla:

1. Commented out the two lines 17 and 18 in default.xsl:
<!--link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/drive0/opt/khttpd/charcoalgray99/css/default.css"/-->

<!--script language="javascript" src="/drive0/opt/khttpd/charcoalgray99/js/jscripts.js"/-->

2. FTP'd the new default.xsl file into the root directory

3. When going to a link, use the URL http://empeg/?fid=101&ext=.xml NOT http://empeg/?fid=101&ext=.xml&style=/drive0/opt/khttpd/charcoalgray99/xsl/default.xsl. The latter does not work in Mozilla.

4. Alternately, if you would like to have the default.xsl file in another location, you will need to set the khttpd_style entry in config.ini to the full path to the default.xsl. By default, the .xml documents are generated linking to /default.xsl unless this config.ini entry is set.

Here's a screenshot of the playlist running on Mozilla:

I will PM Charcoalgray99 to see if he wants to fix his stuff. If he doesn't, I will consider writing a new xsl stylesheet to work with Mozilla. I might anyway, just because I like to have a lightweight interface with no graphics.

163604-screenshot.jpg (144 downloads)

Mark Cushman