I'm trying to remember the name of a movie that I remember seeing around the same time as Flight of the Navigator.

It had the usual bunch of annoying kids, the usual kid's love interest -- kid doesn't realise girl fancies him until the end of the film -- you know the score.

Anyway, some aliens were channelling dreams into the kid's head, giving him instructions on how to build a spaceship. He then proceeds to build it out of old washing machine parts.

When they get to the alien spaceship, they discover that one of the aliens talks in adverts (based on limited exposure to Earth TV).

Eventually, it turns out that the aliens are just some kids having a lark with their dad's spaceship, and that he's really annoyed. Our heroes make their exit shortly before "dad" turns up, and make it safely back to earth, where our hero and his girlfriend share their first kiss.

Any ideas?
-- roger