Men Without Hats: Safety Dance

How's this for sad - I found a copy of the video clip for that on Kazaa. I was actually out looking for other video clips and thought 'why the hell not' - and believe me, it's nothing like I thought it would look.

In my comedy list we have:
* Charlie Drake : My Boomerang Won't Come Back
* Scaffold : Lily The Pink
* Rolf Harris : Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport
* Val Doonican : O'Rafferty's Motor Car
* Eric Bogle : Little Gomez
* Flanders and Swann : The Hippopotamus Song (Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud)
* Morris Minor and the Majors : Stutter Rap
* Dr. Demento - The Monster Mash

All classics - but then I have the entire collection of Goon Shows and a large swathe of I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue on there, so I don't think my definition of 'classic' can be really orthogonal with everyone else's...

I went through the list looking for things that I'd have to censor should anyone sensitive to swear words get into the car, and I couldn't actually find anything! Well, maybe 'The Reefer Song' by Mindless Drug Hoover... or some of the Monty Python...

Have fun,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550