Definately PM'ed you here - don't recall which email addy I used, probably the one listed in your profile....

Anyways, most of the stereo stuff is in place, no major problems - need to get the front speakers in as well as dampening the doors. Also planning on getting rid of most/all of the orange stuff (dash light, button illumination etc) in favor of blue... Filter material is on the way from robricc.

There's an adaptor available for both stalk and display for Sonys, so one option would be to find the spec for how the Sony stereos send the info (instead of how the Pug wants it), and then build a circuit that reads from the serial line and talks Sony to the adapter that then talks to the display... Haven't yet gotten an adapter though.

As to the horsepower issue... Yeah, with 180 ponies and 1100kg it moves pretty darn good
But there's a rumour in the Pug forum on the BBS that some tuning company is bringing out a kit this spring that'll raise it to ~220-225... not sure if I'll go for it though.
I'm currently considering adjustable shocks&springs, because it stands pretty high as it is. But it'll have to wait until spring when I get the summer wheels on.
