i love mine. i have my exchange server thru business connect, i browse the web, i use Pdanet to connect my laptop to the internet, i use Dir Assist to do 411 lookup and pull addresses from my contacts into mapquest for directions, kinoma and mmplayer for video playback, pTunes for mp3 playback, have 3 versions of the bible on it, Noah Pro dictionary, and AIM thru Verichat.

had mine since it came out last october. did the "loyalty" upgrade from my treo300. its held up pretty well, though i think the screen heats up way too much. my form-fit case's plastic melted on the screen a bit. if i were to lose this phone and get another one, i would probably go with boxwave screen protector and egrips instead of the case. otherwise, its a tough cookie. i've brought it snowboarding, and it held up well in all my falls.