One time we got this copy of a chapter of a sci-fi book in the mail from some guy who was apparently self-publishing it. I think he maybe wanted us to carry it or order a few copies or something. The owner had no interest (especially since we barely carried novels), but one day when I was shirking my other responsibilities I read it. The story was basically as bad as you'd expect a self-published novel to be, but the worst part was the horrible grammar and spelling, not to mention the weird typos. So I went next door to the copy shop, bought a red pen, and marked it up. He sent his mailing address along with it, so I stuffed it back in an envelope and returned it to him. (He may have even had a SASE in there for some reason, since I can't imaging spending 30¢ on it.)

Weeks later, I get a phone call. It's the guy, and he's calling to thank me for the corrections. Seriously. And he's not pissed or anything. Weird.

True story. Swear to God.
Bitt Faulk