As I noted in the Rio Receiver replacement thread, Hauppauge are selling the MediaMVP. This little box sits on your network and will serve up audio and video from a server to your stereo. What makes it interesting is that it runs linux. This means that it should be possible to get it to run code of our liking to interface to an empeg.

Further web searches have resulted in the discovery of a Linux Mod. forum over at .
Quick reading over there reveals that the box boots using bootpc/tftp to get it's image from the server, and this image has already been replaced by others. Furthermore, a serial port has been hacked onto it (fairly standard SMD soldering required).

This is looking like a real contender to be hacked into service as a remote control/display for the empeg. A 7" LCD with a serial touchscreen anyone?
It also looks interesting for integrating an empeg into other video based car entertainment systems for the same reason.

Thoughts anyone?
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.