I bought a couple a year or two ago and it used quality components.

That's the most important thing to me when building a machine for myself or anyone else. It's also my biggest gripe with any of these companies that sell barebones machines to whole systems (and I'm including companies like Dell). Frequently they won't tell you anything about the manufacturer of the parts of the system. Sure, they may use Maxtor, Corsair, etc. They could also easily use crap brands that nobody has heard of and reap the difference.

I'll just say that I looked at one of those Walmart systems and while the price is low, it's nothing that you can't put together for yourself for the same cost, and then you know what you put in it.

And I'm sure you've noted it, but they don't come with an OS, which will cost you about $90 (XP home) or $150 (XP pro). Of course you may be a Linux guy or already have a copy, in which case the point is moot

Anyway, the hardware part is what I find the most fun about PCs, so I thoroughly enjoy looking at the latest prices for all types of setups.

Edited by Dignan17 (30/11/2004 22:26)