Are the spings on both sides of the handle still there? It's not uncommon for one to get lost...

Took it all appart a couple of days ago to check. Both springs present, but both looking old and rusty, and not particularly strong. I've dremel'd a notch like it says in te FAQ to stretch the springs a little more. Seems a lot more positive now, although I'm not sure how long it'll last as the springs are presumably still deteriorating. I'll keep a look out for replacement springs though.

Initial testing seems to show the Empeg stays in place for 'enthusiastic' road driving...


ps And when exactly did you get yourself an empeg?

Must have been a couple of weeks before this post:

So not that long ago. I've wanted one ever since the Mk1. In fact, before that even - since when I first saw the original concept device in your MX5 at uni. I couldn't afford one back then, so set about building my own less elegant, cheaper device. It worked well for about 4 years, but developed a motherboard fault recently. The cost of a new motherboard was significantly more than the cost of a typical Empeg from eBay, so it was a no brainer really.

And I'm thoroughly happy with it, of course! I spent a painful couple of months with a basic cassette player in the car, and my driving got slowly worse over that time! The final straw was driving 850 miles to Germany and back with nothing but Belgian radio to keep me awake!