OK – I think that I understand what it going on here now after a little testing..

When I delete a song from the empeg, if I've got copies (references) to that file elsewhere the file does not get deleted, even if I know that I've deleted the original version.

I tested this already and it definitely behaves in this manner:

New Playlist (Test)
New Song in playlist (PAULPAUL)
Copy of PAULPAUL in playlist Test
Deleted original song (I.e. position 1)
Check CSV File from emplode - file still exists.

This sounds like intended behaviour - and I'm sure that mac (or Roger) has brought this up before.

The reason that I found this out is that I'm loading new VBR versions of previously CBR ripped songs onto the empeg. My process for this was as follows:

Delete original playlist from 'Artist' directory (which everything references)
Load new playlist in Artist Directory

This is obviously no good, since my copies of the original have now taken on the old files (CBR) rather than the new files (VBR).

So... If I play the artist from the Artist playlist - everything sounds find, but if I play from the Genre playlist, or from the 'Greatest Hits' playlist, I get the CBR file (which sounds awful).

The only way to actually 'Delete' a file from the empeg is to remove all references from the empeg to the song, before I load on new copies of the same. I suspect that I'm wasting a lot of disc space on this issue.

I can understand not deleting the file when you can't remember which is the original - but now I have to go off hunting for all references to the thing before it'll actually go from the disc.

I'm interested in what people think about this...



Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357
Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357