Church + ??? = profit!

For those who don't want to register or use BugMeNot to read the article, the ??? in the above equation is "FEMA tax dollars." Basically, in the aftermath of the hurricanes, the US Government is expanding the ways in which it helps faith-based groups who assist with hurricane relief. In addition to the traditional model, where churches volunteer their time and lend their facilities during relief efforts, FEMA is accepting reimbursement applications, to cover (from the article) "a wide range of costs would be available for reimbursement, including labor costs incurred in excess of normal operations, rent for the facility and delivery of essential needs like food and water."

On the surface, this might seem like a good thing, taking those who are already contributing to the relief effort, and making sure they aren't overburdened by what really is an unprecedented tragedy. But, aren't these groups already receiving massive donations from the public at large? We Americans have opened our hearts and our wallets during this tragedy, and many of those funds are going to faith-based organizations. For groups that are supposed to be volunteer to begin with, does it make sense to have the government doling out funds for "labor costs and rent," especially when these groups are tax-free to begin with?

But don't take my word for it, here are some people who agree with me, again, from the article:

"Volunteer labor is just that: volunteer," said the Rev. Robert E. Reccord, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board. "We would never ask the government to pay for it."

Yet Benham said he would never accept a dime from the federal government. "The people have been so generous to give that for us to ask for reimbursement would be like gouging for gas," he said. "That would be a crime against heaven."

So, it appears that the religious groups with a conscience will justifiably refuse to accept these dollars, and I commend them for their conviction and dedication to their work. That means more handouts and giveaways for those organizations that aren't burdened by such qualms. Does anyone else have a problem with that?

The worst part is, it's not only human beings making the decisions on who gets how much money, it's human beings in our Government, which, regardless of who is in power, has never been a model of efficiency. I'd trust the leaders of our churches, mosques, and synagogues to divy the money amongst themselves before I'd trust some desk jockey at FEMA to ensure equitable distribution of the money. That is, if I felt this was a good idea in the first place, which I surely do not. I can already imagine the complaints of church X, mosque Y, or synagogue Z who feel they didn't get a big enough piece of the pie. Once you add money to any situation, even amongst the noble folks who volunteer their time at faith-based groups, bad things happen.

So, what say you, empegizens? Is this a fair, altruistic, and necessary response to the tragedy, or a handout to the religious right? Is it proper for our government to be in charge of which churches get extra money beyond the cost of supplies?
- Tony C
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