Do you generally trust season passes to work properly?

Yes. Usually, when I want to get all first-run episodes of a series, all I have to do is say Season Pass, First Run Only, and it Just Works.

In fact, the instance that I'm having trouble with, the reason I started this thread, is the only time I've had trouble doing that.

The other time, when I wanted to get all episodes of West Wing when Bravo started re-running them (and therefore they weren't first-run-only), I was pretty easily able to use the season pass feature (combined with a little fiddling of the Upcoming Episodes screen) to do what I needed.

I'm very suprised that the 30 second skip didn't work on yours. Are you certain you did it correctly? I find that the best way to do it is to play a recorded video

In my experience, that's the most common reason for the 30 second skip trick to fail. You have to make sure you're playing a recorded video from the Now Playing list before it'll work. Either that or you skipped one of the "selects" in the key sequence. The sequence, if you want to try it again, is:

- Go to the Now Playing list.
- Select and play something.

If you've got sounds turned on, you should hear BONG BONG BONG at that point.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the tips. I'll follow the link to Advanced Wish Lists and see if that works for me.
Tony Fabris