I'm finding it hard to follow the code <snip>

He he, I did warn you...

To me it also seems like the timers don't get enabled, and yes, they are only enabled in Check, but if I set a breakpoint in Check where the timers are (or should be...) enabled, it breaks there when I receive data. I have tried to google for answers and to me it looks like it should work, but still it doesn't... I also get a lot of warnings in the Immidiate Window about Invalidcast or something. I don't know if that could be some of the problem. I'll check them tomorrow to get the correct text...

Edit: Here's the error messages I get when I run the program.

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

There are several of each of them and I think they are from the build process.

Oh yes, another 'problem'. How can I get the textbox to stay at the last 'entry'? Now it jumps to the beginning of the text. Is this because the way I add text to the textbox, is by setting the text to be the old text & new text? Would it be better to use a richtextbox instead?


Edited by StigOE (24/06/2007 07:20)