Ah, I see in the results that I am joined by one other "Obama or nuthing!" voter. Or maybe not. Maybe it is "Hillary or nothing" -- somebody who really doesn't like Barack.

With Romney gone, I think the IF(Clinton || Obama > McCain) question becomes more interesting.

Bruno questioned in another thread whether either Dem was electable and I'm not sure I have an opinion.

Whatever blowhard Limbaugh's latest tirade about preferring to vote for Clinton rather than stoop to vote for McCain, I think that Hillary is definitely the Democrat who will do the most to polarize the contest, rile up Republican voters, and pull in defensive votes from the conservative right. She is also the candidate who will not draw some significant number of votes from the (green and otherwise) left. Like my possible vote.

So I imagine that Hillary has perhaps a worse chance against McCain, but....

Obama I think is being deliberately guarded about any "extreme" agenda he may have in mind, or, mor likely, he doesn't have one. But he doesn't have the Clinton burden of years of Clinton hate from the right. And a smaller/harder record to aim attack ads at. So I don't see the right mobilizing as vigorously to oppose him. But, as pointed out, there does seem to be the disconnect between centrist/working voters and green/young/progressive voters. In an Obama/McCain matchup, I think that a lot of centrist Democratic voters who might have voted for Hillary would tend to shift to McCain on security and national defense grounds.

So, whether for reasons of polarizing and mobilizing the right or by losing some of the center, either Dem could lose. Oh, well, I know who I'm *not* voting for, so for me it's kind of moot.

Extremely funny to hear on NPR this eve about Hillary's recasting of Obama as the "establishment candidate". Farking amazing. What balls that woman has. Orwell could do no better.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.