TiVo is in partnership with NBC, do I have that right? Assuming that is the case, I think I have an example of a bit of nefarious underhandedness to report.

Looking through my TiVo's "To-Do" list, I came across the program "Knight Rider", that NBC has been heavily promoting for the last month or so. This was not in my To-Do list as a "spec" program, but was flagged as a Wish List program with the blue and white star logo.

While I have quite a few Wish Lists defined, none of them could have picked up Knight Rider -- not by program type, not by key word, not by actor, not by anything.

So, is NBC leaning on TiVo to force recording of select programs even though they are not requested or wanted by the user?

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"