Originally Posted By: wfaulk
QuickTime Player v10.0(118)

Videos opens quickly — less than 4 seconds from double-click, including starting the app — but just sits at the first frame until I tell it to go. (What kind of insanity is this? Under what circumstances would I want not to play the video that I just double-clicked on?) There seems to be no way to get double-clicked videos to automatically start playing. (In fact, as of v10, there seem to be no preferences at all any more.)

Until you pointed this out, I had never really noticed. Guess I got used to the default in Quicktime (pre X) and just never changed it. If you want autoplay, the following in Terminal will turn it on.
defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX MGPlayMovieOnOpen 1

*edit* Or you can use Secrets preference panel to turn it on, along with giving you access to some other hidden preferences.

Originally Posted By: wfaulk
The MP4 plays fine, but the WMV stutters horribly.

There seem to be no keybindings for FF or REW, but clicking on the playback progress bar works near-instantaneously. WMV playback doesn't seem to support random access; I can only skip forward a few seconds. Actually, I think it's importing the entire WMV and won't let me skip past however far it's gotten in the import.

This seems to be true for MKV files too. Seems Quicktime really dislikes anything beyond basic containers, like AVI, MOV, or MP4. As for WMV, I don't have anything beyond a few obscure old commercials in that format, and none of the machines I use even have Flip4Mac anymore. Guess it's been a while since I've needed to play WMV. As for the keybindings, the media keys (F7-F9) work for Quicktime X, or you can use the arrow keys. Up and down are volume, left and right are slow seeks, Cmd-left/right sets a fast seek speed, and Option-Left/Right jumps between the beginning and end of the file.

Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Fullscreen is no longer a "Pro" option, at least.

This has been the case since 7.2, released in mid 2007.

I personally stick with Quicktime X + Perian for almost everything. Mplayer OS X Extended is my default for MKV, as Quicktime X was having some playback problems in general with my BluRay rips, and the loading problem was really bad when dealing with a 35gb file. I initially tried making VLC my MKV player, but it too was choking on the rips even after lots of preference tweaking. Thanks for the writeup though, hand't even heard of Movist or NicePlayer.

Edited by drakino (16/01/2011 04:01)