Originally Posted By: Redrum
When you say "with Google" does that mean that Google android apps, or other off the shelf apss, can't be run on the player or they just don't cvome with hte player?

Basically Android as an OS is open, like the Linux kernel. Anyone can download the source, compile it, run it on whatever. Then Google has a bunch of closed source proprietary apps they add in to enhance the experience. Things like the marketplace, Gmail, Google Maps and Google Voice are held behind the closed proprietary wall. To gain these features, a device has to pass a Google certification process and be approved for sale. Archos doesn't try to certify their devices, so they lack the Google apps.

Without the Google marketplace, you can still find apps on the web and download them manually, assuming developers have hosted their apps somewhere. This includes other competing marketplaces that other companies run, including the upcoming Amazon marketplace. I don't believe there is a legitimate way of adding the Google apps (as Google only offers them via Android updates for supported devices or via the Marketplace), but there are hacks to do it.