Interesting. So, you're saying that the moltiboot function is not in bootcamp but in the EFI bios itself. That makes sense. If so, I suppose bootcamp also configures the bios to present the boot menu, together with doing the partitioning job, correct?

One more question: when you (and official documentation) say "Windows drivers for Mac", by "for Mac" you mean "for the standard hardware installed in that particula Mac computer" - video, ethernet, chipset, wireless card, drivers, etc -, or do you mean "Apple proprietary hardware requiring drivers from Apple"? Is there anything Apple proprietary in the hardware, requiring drivers from Apple specifically, or is Apple, as I was assuming, simply making the MB+Bios, as Dell or Lenovo, for example, would do?

Also, assuming that the Apple macbook hardware is all, or mostly, stanrdard PC hardware, would I be right in assuming bootcamp, in supplying these drivers, is merely facilitating the installation job since I may very well install drivers later (or, even during setup), as I would normally, simply do with a PC?

Thank you!
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg