You really want the UFC1384 module datasheet from Temic.

Thanks for the useful information. I have made some progress. I am a little stuck without the datasheet at the moment, PCA is away but I will try and catch up with him and ask for more data soon :-)

For the centro box project I have written some code to drive tea5767 modules connected to the P5 connector of the raspberry pi. The 10 pin modules are on ebay for about $1.50, FM only though, it does work with just a passive mixer (4 resistors) but I was going to make a small PCB with a mixer and opamp so that the audio level is the same with or without the added tuner. The cost should be fairly low.

I am trying to add code to drive the MK1 and MK2 empeg tuners via my code. Its slow going but I at least have serial setup, audio source selection working (thanks to published code examples) and am sending/getting data from the pcats tuner module.


it should be straightforward to add code to remap commands/responses intended for the factory tuner chip, into appropriate format for the teac5767 chip. There are only a handful of commands used, so not as bad perhaps as it first sounds.

I had considered this but it is not my intention to do it (well ok, if I am completely honest it was my intention to do this, but externally with a PIC rather than with a hijack shim layer - and just for myself). I built a number of tuner kits for other people but I never did buy one of my own, I borrowed one to write the code. It is not my intention to compete with Patrick on the empeg hardware.

The tea5767 driver is intended for the Raspberry Pi board, I was not going to add any new hardware to the empeg unit. What I need to do is add support to my code for the MK1 and MK2 tuners just for completeness.

I will publish what I have soon, as well as listing the kits on ebay. I am sorry for the delays, turns out this project is a little bit more involved than I maybe considered, I am still working on it though. I also have 6 built centro boxes here.

Does anyone have any details of the MK1 tuner software interface, the tuner module itself uses a shift register type arrangement (assuming the board I was looking at is the correct one, TEA5757H) - I guess it has some kind of driver but I have not seen any information on it, I admit I have not dug through the hijack sources yet. I am not always the worlds best programer, my project might be a useful reference for someone else to have a go.


The 8 byte setups are very much like the TEA6840 ISTR, though the chip is a later model.

Ok, I will search for that, thanks :-)



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