Necro posting to add some additional useful links. Making a new attempt to adopt Powershell when working on Windows. When I first made this, I successfully transformed the Vigil Build system to use Powershell scripts, however I didn't put much effort into also transitioning my personal usage of a command prompt on Windows. I'm now working to get more comfortable in the command prompt side, especially with the nice improvements to the built in console app of the upcoming Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Powershell offers various levels of profile scripts much like shells on the Unix side. System level for all users, user specific, and invocation specific. A good summary, and what variables to reference for them is here:

Visual Studio when installed creates shortcuts to it's own CMD prompts that add a number of tools to the path. However as of the 2015 version, it doesn't create shortcuts to Powershell equivalents. This Stack Overflow link has something to add to the Powershell profile that can handle Visual Studio 2010-2015 versions:

I'm also working to retrain myself on Powershell specific ways to check certain things. One is checking the path, or appending to it.
Display the path:
$env:path -split ";"

Appending to the path:
$env:Path += ";C:\SomePath\Directory"