I'm getting the cookie and database errors, both under Win2K and now WinXP. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Emplode and also re-upgraded to 2.0b3.

Other observations: Used to locate the USB connection very quickly. Now it takes anywhere from a minute to ... never.

Another thing: WinXP offered to install a driver for the Rio (perhaps I made a bad move there - I accepted). So, it could be some kind of driver contention. Although if I go to check the USB connections, it isn't listed. Yet if I remove/apply power to the Empeg, WinXP clearly recognizes that I'm doing it.

Suggestions? I'm pretty much dead in the water at this point. Just can't connect - getting a string of database connection errors at this point (again, Win2K or XP - doesn't matter).

UPDATE: I'm able to connect successfully via COM1. Slower, but I can connect.

Oh, did I mention I have NO MP3s on the unit yet? Might that enter into it? Slight boundary condition issue perchance?

Whoops - gets better. Turns out I _did_ have three tracks on the player. I just removed them and synch'ed ... and NOW, at the end I get a syncronization error. Whee!

Edited by jdandrea (16/11/2001 12:26)
-- JD - SN# 040104008 (120GB Blue, Digital Out)