Okay maybe you have got the wrong end of the stick here.

What i would like is so that i can access the dimmer easily as Dusk lasts about 2 hours here being so far north so there fore you have to drive around with your lights on when it isn't fully dark so my normal setting for the dimmer when it is dark is about 10% but at dusk i have it at about 80% so instead of going through the menus i would like just to cycle up to it.

I have the light sense connected so it does go onto the lights on setting when i turn on the head lights it would just be nice to be able to reach it quckly for tweaking.

And while i am at it i still want a awake up timer when it is in home mode for when i am on the ship with it. I don't need it in the car but in the home so hopefully there is no complicated power issues.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland