Resurrection of an old bug report....

Has this been fixed or do I have a new one (considering the following...)?

2b13 developer image/Hijack 300. When the phonerings or I make a phonecall, the player mutes and display a telephonesymbol (but it doesn't pause the player, which I think it should...). If I pause the player and end the phonecall, the telephone symbol goes away and player is still paused. So far, so good... When I unpause the player, it is still muted. Not so good.... To get the sound back, I have to make a call and end it, then I get the sound back. I might get the sound back by pulling the player from the sled and insert it again, but I haven't tried. If I unpause the player before I end the phonecall, it works correctly.

So old bug or new bug...?
