I'd like to start the idea of having a weekly or other scheduled type of meeting with the programmers working on 3rd party things right now. It would be nice to chat with Kim Salo, Rob Leslie, Jazzwire, etc... on misc. things about the empeg in it's current state. Plus, it would be a good fourm for talking about how we can ensure all our projects get along on the empeg at the same time.

I'd like to set the first one to be on the Dalnet IRC room of #Empeg. As far as dates and times, this will be a bit hard to schedule with all of us scattered.
My work schedule right now has me free from 3:00 to 10:00 UTC on Wed-Sun. Other days, I could be online from 19:00 to 10:00 UTC. How does everyone elses schedule look?

My empeg site is: