Screenshots of a lyrics scroller? It's text, scrolling across the screen... Not much to show....

Right now it takes up the top 5 or 6 pixels of the display, the player graphics show in the remaining space (so it cuts off your display.) The released version would of course let you choose which lines you want it to take up.

I don't really like the "compressed display) way of doing things but if people really wanted that they are more than welcome to convince Mark Lord to implement that kind of display mode in the SETGEOM ioctl() in Hijack.

The last time I put this project down (two weeks or so ago) I was working on a full-screen type mode with bigger text that takes up the whole screen, and also a "pop up" mode where the lines just appear and stay on the screen. Those two aren't finished yet.

I want to warn you guys that I haven't had a ton of time for this one so don't expect anything in the next week or two. So anyone who thinks they can bang out something faster than me is more than welcome to do so. I was just doing it because it hadn't been done yet. My free time has been very marginalized lately but when I have a free hour or two, I hack away at this (along with the Trivia game and a few other pet projects.) I'm not a very "unidirectional" programmer in my free time because nobody's paying me.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff