Yes - the empeg doesn't figure in the piracy issue at all, that has already occured b4 it has got to the empeg.

You seem to be implying that everything that's uploaded onto an Empeg is pirated. Careful how you choose your words.

My purpose for owning an Empeg is to have my entire CD collection in my car at once-- not to play downloaded files.

Perhaps the empeg team should confront the RIAA with a proposal and see what kicks off ??

I'm guessing that would be a waste of time. I don't think the RIAA has any power to either grant or deny Empeg the right to do anything. If I understand correctly, the RIAA is just an advocacy group that represents its member companies. If that's true, then only power they can wield is when they represent a company in a lawsuit. If you went to them in advance and asked them "is it OK to do this?", even if they could respond, their response wouldn't mean anything. They can change their mind as to whether or not it's OK, and sue you later for something that you thought was OK today.

Does anyone have any more information on exactly what the RIAA can and cannot do?

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris