Well, I remember a previous post of yours regarding my work-around for the controller (which way it was pointing, by putting some tape on the bottom of it as a reference) where you said the average consumer shouldn't have to (or want to) do that.

Right, which is why I said I didn't disagree with your complaint. Your point is well-taken.

Why would you want to mess with those screws anyway?

Well, when I replaced the faceplate with a different color, I needed to mess with the faceplate and the handle a little bit to get the tensions and positions just right. If I didn't do this, the buttons would stick and the handle would scrape a bit. Having the screws there on that part of the handle made this a bit easier.

Later, I dropped my Empeg's carrying case on one corner and cracked the faceplate a bit (I've since added more padding to my carrying case). After that happened, I needed to adjust the handle and faceplate again to get the buttons and handle working right again.

Which brings up another point: Rob, do you still have any green MK1 faceplates left? I might want to buy another one.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris