So I'm driving to dinner tonight, and I am listening to NPR on the way. A Ohio NPR story about how Diebold voting machines have been investigated and found to be insecure catches my attention, so I turn it up. Ohio has been looking at giving Diebold a multi-million dollar contract to replace the voting machines we have here (paper and chads) with electronic voting machines. They introduce one of the authors of the study, a Dan Wallach from Rice University. Dan starts to speak about how they tested...

Wait a minute.


"Dapper" Dan Wallach?

From Texas? Rice University?

As in OUR dwallach?

Yup, that's him. Right on his homepage there is a link to the analysis. Kudos, Dan, you spoke very well and gave a good argument against Diebold's rebuttal. I would say that there was a slight slant towards caution regarding the voting machines and their insecurity, but they did mention that it was not a Johns Hopkins "official" study. I thought it was way cool that I heard someone from this BBS on the radio.
Mark Cushman