File this under "proof of concept" and don't expect miracles

Note: you need to "know what you're doing" to use this right now.

Grab Frank's displayserver kit (see the Wish List thread on remote control) and install it per instructions. Edit his /sbin/init to remove the call to displayserver (cd /ds, etc.) and replace it with a call to vncd &

Point your vncviewer at port 5900 on your Rio Receiver. Note: the server is ultra-brittle and has many things hardcoded. For instance, you must use the -bgr233 option to vncviewer to force the right pixel format, since I don't actually handle the pixel format messages from the client right now.

Here's my sample vncviewer (Linux) invocation:

vncviewer -bgr233 -encodings raw

Right now, the server is incredibly naive and just continuously blasts update messages out over the network. Since each message is only 8KB, that will be line noise on a 10/100 switched segment, but it's still ugly. Since I'm pretty sure a VNC server is part of my Rio / Empeg destiny any way I slice it, I'll likely work on fixing all of this mess

My next step (after I get back to real work for a while) is to look at Frank's kernel hacks for displayserver, and see what I can learn from his work.

1391-vncd (535 downloads)

S/N 0141 Blue 20GB