Anyone know if it's possible to write code efficient enough to run on the limited resources of the Empeg that will even out perceived volume level variations between files? I find the autovolume adjust in Hijack to be too plagued with artifacts (I can hear it cutting in and out of operation) in operation to be useful.

I'd like something like what they use at FM and Internet radio stations. It compresses the dynamic range of the audio in such a way that the audio is even in average volume level, without any perceivable artifacts.

I hate having to adjust the volume all the time in the car to overcome the roadnoise and the autovolume adjust just isn't it either. Right now I basically send my files to Cool Edit to an average RMS value of about 13.5 to 14.00 dB using the statistics function in conjunction with the hard limiter function. However this approach is permanent and a pain to have to do. I'd like something automated and reversible as in an on-the-fly program running on the Empeg.

Anyone familiar with broadcast compression approaches and a way to emulate it on the Empeg? I've been giving this a lot of thought and would really like to come up with something.

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