Ok, I got emptriv working with the latest version of preinit (it didn't want to work with Mark's @MENUEXEC) and now when I get an answer right it locks up. I also have to do a "kill" on emptriv if I want to update the config.ini through emplode. Otherwise an update to config.ini just doesn’t (another sob story). I know emptriv is designed to work at boot (watches for hijack) but does anyone know why it is locking my player when I enter a right answer in the game? (which is 20% of the time , as any good monkey can do that on a multiple guess)

Other games…
empsoko, empPacman, and emptris work great by launching them through a shell script by using @MENUEXEC. I start them all at once and then run them through a their respective menu items that get added when they are executed. Launching them through @MENUEXEC keeps them from sucking resources all the time. These games insert into the menu and work great.