Thought I would post some pictures and the alpha. It's working really well so far, but it over doubled the lines of code for Palantir. This is only the alpha version, I have not tested it on any other hardware except for a Tungsten T5. I'm hoping maybe there are others out there with a T3, TX, Treo 650 or Zire with BT capabilities that wouldn't mind giving this a go.

This version will beam some text representing your playlist to a Bluetooth serial device. It is intended for use with a Bluetooth serial dongle (like the AirCable), but it will beam to any BT device that supports the serial port profile. To test this, you could create a BT serial port on your computer using a PC BT adapter and it's software, and hook up a terminal program to that virtual serial port. Then fire up Palantir and select the Bluetooth Preferences menu. Put a check next to the serial port you just enabled on your PC, then beam a playlist. You should see the playlist come in over the terminal program running on your PC.

Empire is in the process of being modified to listen to the serial port for these commands, so there is work left to do before the entire thing will work together. I suspect the audience for this is small, too, since the only ones I know of so far that have BT serial port adapters are me, mlord and dbrashear, but let me know if you will find this useful.

270517-palantir.prc (358 downloads)

Mark Cushman