"Don't compare it to the story. Why would you do that?"

Most of the time I can seperate a movie from its source, but there are a few occasions in which a movie has so badly missed the mark of a book that it becomes a laughable experience. I'll admit I actually enjoyed "Starship Troopers" (I know many didn't, but somehow I actually did like it). . . until I read the book. Once I realized how much they had destroyed the themes of the book and removed all of the important parts. I felt nothing but contempt for the movie.

As far as MR, I havn't read the story yet, but I plan to. I thought the movie was good, but I must admit I havn't seen a really great movie since LOTR and have been pretty dissapointed recently- it might not take much for me to enjoy something these days.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.