The numbers mean Average, Notable (i.e. quite a bit larger than expected), maXimum time in milliseconds that the audio_write kernel call is taking. 232 is bad.

Yeah, usually the numbers are hovering at a:14 n:0 x:[no greater than 40 or so]. Then the one time that I saw it skip (only that first time so far), the numbers shot up at the same time the disk-read icon appeared. I have no idea what came first: The icon or the skip, because I wasn't looking at it until about half a second after the skip was done.

I was unsure about whether the skip was an actual skip because it was so brief. They are often longer. But if the number is in milliseconds, then that sounds about right. The skip was about 2/10 of a second.

The maximum is never reset so if it happens you might like to reboot in order to do so.

I noticed that right away, and did so, thanks. It hasn't happened since the first time and I'll keep half an eye on it as it plays at my desk.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris