I installed the gaptest2 update on my Mk1 (which was giving me the most problems) when I got in from work. It has been running for 1.5 hours so far, and the values on the screen are A:19 N:0 X:36 - a vast improvement over the same time with gaptest1 - I think I had X:345 within half an hour.

I'll try it in the Mk2 as well, but it only got X as high as 55, so I'm sure it'll be fine.

Nice piece of work Mike & Hugo, congratulations
(as soon as I hit 'Send' the Mk1 will probably skip, knowing my luck )

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Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...
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Mk1 Blue - was 4GB, now 16GB
Mk2 Red - was 12GB, now 60GB